It's the last RR10 this week - Hursley at 7:15pm. This is a 4-5mile off road run in the same series as the Itchen Valley one Louise did the other week. Pat, the fabulous coach from the main SRS group, does all of them at the speed of the gentlest runner - so there is guaranteed company and support at the back! I am intending to go this time. Directions are in this link.
Mon 7pm 6.17km in 41:52 505 calories
Mon 8pm 6.4km* 408 calories
Tue 7pm Some did 5km, some did 6km
Tue 8pm 3.78km in 32:41 218 calories
I haven't logged the time for Monday's 8pm run as there was a stitch issue! Thanks to the group for getting themselves back to the Hub - sorry I missed you at the end.
Fast Track Beginners
On Friday, we'll be:
- Warming up
- Running for 15 minutes
- 1 minute walking break
- Running for 15 minutes
- Cool down
- Stretching
Don't forget that we will take more breaks if required.