Thursday, 26 February 2009

A bit more about... safety

A bit more about... safety
This is an area that we tend to think about more than male runners! And it’s one of the reasons why WRN exists – we tend to feel safer when running with others. Some tips:
Avoid running alone if possible
It’s not always possible, but you’ll find that you feel safer when running with a friend. I often go out with my husband with him on a bike for the same reason.
If running alone, phone a friend
Try to make sure that somebody at home knows roughly where you are going and when you expect to get back. If there’s nobody in, try setting up a system with a friend – phone or text when you are heading off with your route and finish time, then call/text them when you’re done.
Don’t stick to the same predictable route. It will keep your run more interesting as well as making it safer.
Keep the volume down – or off
Many advise running without headphones so that you can hear what’s going on around you from a safety perspective. If, like me, you feel that this isn’t an option (I can’t run alone without music!), keep the volume low enough that you can hear your surroundings.
Look out for hazards
Kerbstones and traffic are probably your biggest risks! Pay attention to your surroundings. Wear reflective gear at night and keep an eye on surfaces for obstacles.
Verbal Harassment
This is irritating, can be upsetting, but don’t let the idiots win. Thankfully, it’s rare! I find that carrying on running in a purposeful way, keeping my eyes ahead and wearing sunglasses or a baseball cap help me to block this out.
Carry a mobile with you
It’s also good to carry a piece of paper with your name and an emergency phone number.

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