Sunday, 30 August 2009

Beginners - Final week of Programme

Plan for Monday:
  • Warm Up
  • 30mins Jogging
  • Cool Down
  • Stretching

Don't forget that taking a walking break is still very much OK if required!


Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Times & Distances 24th & 25th August

I'm relieved to report that my Forerunner gadget is now behaving!

Standard Group: 47:17mins 6.8km Ascent (as per Tracklogs!) 98m
Beginners: 31:00mins 3.8km
Intermediate Group: 43:23mins 5.01km - now the Garmin reckons that it's 199m ascent, but I'm suspicious as it was less climbing than on Monday.... love gadgets.

Have a great week - see you on Monday (yup, we are running on Bank Holiday Monday!).

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Times for Monday & Tuesday's running 17th & 18th

I would add 100-200 metres for every loop back that I didn't do!

  • Standard: 7.42km, 49:18.16 mins, ascent 237m, ave 9.0kph, 610 calories
  • Beginners: 3.84km, 33:59.33 mins, ascent 109m, ave 6.8kph, 219 calories
  • Intermediate: 4.58km, 33:42.35 mins, ascent 138m, ave 8.2kph, 326 calories

Calories are based on my age & weight - and don't take terrain into account. So for example, N, L & J slogging around the field on grass will have used more energy than indicated by 326 cals shown here.

One circuit of the field is 1.4km.

Beginners - please remember that your main objective atm isn't shown here - which is to run for longer periods between walk breaks.


Monday, 17 August 2009

When should the intermediate run be?

The beginners sessions are completing soon and I will be merging the beginners with the intermediates from wc 14th September. This means we need to decide on a day & time. I want to ensure that your views are considered.
Please let me know your preferences via this survey - click here!



Sunday, 16 August 2009

Beginners Week 8

I think we'll be fine with this - but more walk breaks are very allowable!

10mins jog
1min walk

Repeat until we get to 33mins.


Tuesday, 11 August 2009

This week's runs

Remember that these are all based on me! Add more distance for looping back.
Standard group: 6.24km in 39:54.37, ascent 219m and 517 calories (based on me!)
Beginners: 4.25km in 39:02.16, 228 calories
Intermediate: 5.14km in 41:13, 361 calories

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Beginners Week 7

4 running intervals tonight - 8mins per interval - and 3 walk breaks, bringing us to a session length of 35mins.
If you are doing this alone, make sure you don't run fast at the start - take it gently. We're looking to run for longer, not worry about the pace.

See you on Monday.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Times for Monday & Tuesday's running

Please bear in mind that these are based on my Forerunner gadget - that's attached to my wrist! If you ran faster than me or further (e.g. looping back), add a bit of distance on.
Standard run: 5.2km in 34:09
Beginners: 4.32km in 37:13
Intermediate: 5.39km in 43:24
Well run! It'll be hills next week for both the standard and intermediate sessions....


Telegraph Active - so many running articles!

Z seemed bemused last night by my newspaper reading habits - Guardian during the week and Telegraph on Saturdays - but I like to think it balances me!

Anyway, there's a new online section on the Telegraph website with lots of articles about running, cycling and other active stuff. I found the article on music to run to quite interesting (sometimes it's good to choose slower tracks) and there are training diaries of 5 runners preparing for the Great North Run.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Week 6 of the Beginners Programme

Tonight's the night we get to 30mins of running - albeit total time with walking breaks will be 35mins.

Warm Up - including knee mobilisation
6 mins jog, 1 min walk repeated over 35 mins
Cool Down

We will be looping back and if anyone needs additional walking breaks, that's absolutely no problem.

Homework is to try to repeat Monday's routine twice plus 1 other exercise session. This will bring you close to the exercise 5 times a week recommendation. Feel free to swap one of the runs so that it's 2 alternative exercise formats.

The handout for the week includes advice on sports bras, pregnancy, stress incontinence and periods!