I'm really hoping that we don't lose as many session this winter as we did last year due to ice. I hate cancelling runs, but if roads are too slippery for me to deem it safe, I will be erring on the side of caution and cancelling.
So, how to ensure that nobody turns up at The Hub ready to run & is disappointed?
1. If I cancel, I will put a note up on the blog (here!) by noon that day. So that's noon Monday for Monday runs and noon Tuesday for Tuesday runs. No note = running as usual.
2. I will also Tweet (where I am RunnyBun) and Facebook - but the Facebook will appear as my status, not on the Eastleigh WRN page.
3. I am also happy to email you if that's easier. Just let me know what email to use for this. Do bear in mind that you will then get a note every single time I cancel a session and it'll be short as I'lll be typing from my mobile!
4. Apologies, but I won't be SMS-ing to a group every time. However, I'm always happy to reply to your text if you want to double check.
And finally, this is only required when it's freezing and slippery! Here's hoping for a warm and barmy winter......
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