Wednesday, 3 February 2010

This week's runs

Patricia, Vanessa & I had a play last night on the mysterious new equipment that's materialised outside The Hub recently. Apparently, it's a cross trainer, strider and a skiing machine. I hope that they get used as free al fresco gym equipment is a fabulous idea - I guess that parents may even be able to use whilst keeping an eye on kids in the playground??

This week's runs:
Monday 7pm 6.11km in 39:25, 507 calories
Monday 8pm 5.30km in 40:27, 393 calories
Tuesday 7pm 5.06km in 44:28, 279 calories
Tuesday 8pm 3.68km in 33mins, 220 calories

Monday's 8pm group made mincemeat of the big nasty hill in Old Bishopstoke - don't feel that you've missed out as I will be inflicting this on both the Tuesday 7pm and Monday 7pm groups soon! Beginners are up to 3mins of running already - most impressive.

Week 4 for the beginners next week:
  • Warm up
  • Run 3 mins, walk 1 min up to 13mins
  • Run 4 mins, walk 1 min up to 36mins
  • Cooldown
  • Stretching


  1. Outdoor gyms are popping up in parks all over! There's a few in Southampton too. Cari :)

  2. It does make sense, with so much importance being placed on becoming a fitter population!
