Thursday, 26 May 2011

Running report 23rd & 24th May

Gemma and Gillian did 5K on Tuesday - so that's 7 of the recently graduated beginners who have achieved this milestone - fantastic work!

Our Future
Don't forget to vote by 31st May with your preference. The link was in an email all of you should have received - and it's on our Facebook page. All members, including those on a break, can vote & please do so! Give me a shout if the link isn't behaving or if you need any more info. I'm so keen to sort this out so we can focus on the running again.

Saturday's Run to Winchester
9am from the Hub, running to the Old Gaolhouse pub in Winchester. If we have heavy rain today, tomorrow or forecasted for Saturday, I will postpone as it's potentially slippery on the tow path. I will put something here, FB and email those I think are coming if I do cancel. Fingers crossed....

Test Way Run 9th June
Clare L is organising this - contact her via our FB page or via me if you'd like to do a 7km off road run.

Run Around The World
20 of you ran last week, doing 140km between you! We've passed Sofia & are about halfway across Bulgaria already. Do have a look at the map if you haven't done so yet - it's immensely satisfying to see our progress across Europe.

The Week's runs - Downloaded from my GPS:
Mon 7pm 7.6km in 49:48 mins 639 calories
Mon 8pm 5.7km in 47:37 mins 363 calories
Tue 7pm 5.9km in 45:28 mins 409 calories
Don't forget that the GPS isn't bright enough to allow for terrain. Running off road burns more calories than tarmac - typically 10-25%.

See you on Monday (running as usual) or Tuesday.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

It is make our minds up time!

You should find in your email a link to an online survey where you can vote for your preference on what we do as a club, following WRN going into liquidation.

Please only vote once! If you change your mind, let me know via email or text & I will amend the result manually. And please vote before end 31st May.

Do feel free to vote even if you've not been for a few weeks - or are on a break from running due to injury, babies or any other reason.

If you've not received the email, can't get the link to work or need some more informaiton, do give me a shout.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Permission to make excuses

On Radio 4’s “All In The Mind”, there was a piece on sports psychology by Dr Tim Rees from Exeter University. You will improve the most if you give yourself reasons for a poor performance that you can control. Positive feedback to failure puts the power to change within your control. He did an experiment with blindfold darts – but it translates well to all sports, including running.

Putting a bad run down to “I’m no good at running” is not likely to help you to run better next time.

Aspects you can control include:

"I set off too quickly.”

“I chose a route that was too hilly/rough/muddy for the distance I covered.”

"It was too hot for such a long run.”

"I’m still not over my cold.”

"I was dehydrated.”

"My technique could be better.”

“I need to train a bit more before I try that route again – or I could tweak the route in the short term.”

Also try to note what went well – even if your run wasn’t great. Some examples:

  • Give yourself a huge pat on the back for going out running at all.

  • Congratulate yourself on being wise enough to take a walking break when it got too tough to run.

  • Try to remember a part of the run that felt a bit better.

  • Feel proud that you tried a new route – even though it might need a bit of tweaking.

  • Celebrate finishing your planned run.

  • Put some extra effort & time into your post run stretch – and recognise that this will help you to recover better.

Running really is mind over matter!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Running report 16th & 17th May

Congratulations to Eve, Kristine, Denise, Debbie and Sue - all of whom did their first 5K with us this week! Fantastic achievement.
If you were on the last Beginners' Programme & have missed a couple of sessions, do please feel free to come along to the Improvers' runs. I will ensure that you do a run within your ability - and nobody gets left behind!

Future of Eastleigh WRN
No news still from SRS on the beginner question yet.

Saturday 28th May 9am - Running from the Hub to Winchester
This will be a one way run, starting at the Hub, following the Itchen Way, & finishing in Winchester at the Old Gaolhouse Weatherspoons pub (bacon roll & a drink), hopefully by about 10:20.
From there, we'll either train back to Eastleigh or I have asked Phil nicely to meet us & take some of us back. It's about 11km.
As you know, this won't be much fun in the wet, so I will update this event on Friday night (27th) to confirm that it is happening.

We are out of Serbia!
Finally made it to the Bulgarian border. The virtual run around the world continues - we're heading for Sofia now.

This week's runs
Mon 7pm 6.16km in 41:45 mins 495 calories
Mon 8pm 5.5km in 42:33 mins 405 calories
Tue 7pm 5.00km in 48:40 mins 310 calories (I walked the second half)

Friday, 6 May 2011

Another holiday - and last week's runs

No runs with me on the 9th or 10th May - I'm off on holiday - again! I've got nothing to clash with running though booked so hopefully, no more disruption for a while.

Beginners' Graduation
The big news this week was the graduation of the Beginners. Nicolette, Sue, Denise, Eve, Gillian, Joanne, Sue and Kristine all ran for 30 minutes without a walking break - and I hope that they are all feeling justifiably proud! As of the 17th May, there will be no Tues 8pm runs. All former Beginners are very welcome to come along at 8pm on Mondays or 7pm on Tuesdays as Improvers. I am committed to ensuring that you continue enjoying running and that you are able to comfortably progress - don't be scared!

Second biggest news is that we herded cows bravely off the Itchen Way & back into their field! Thanks to Louise and Lizzy who were fantastic assistants. Helena will be so proud...

Club Future
I'm waiting for some clarifications from Southampton Running Sisters about beginners. I've also sent you all an email with the communication from Pauline Beare to all WRN leaders pasted in - let me know if it's not made its way to you.

Still Running Through Serbia...
We did 128km this week - but even so, Serbia seems to be going on for ever. We're aiming for the Bulgarian border and after that, one of my favourite cities, Istanbul.

The week's runs:
Mon 7pm 6.5km - sorry, no time or calories as GPS has had a problem
Mon 8pm 6.57km - sorry, no time or calories as GPS has had a problem
Tue 7pm 6.01km in 53:09 369 calories
Tue 8pm 3.54km in 30:49 191 calories