Thursday, 17 June 2010

A bit more about... How much running?

How often should you run? Lots of things to consider, including how
much do you run now, are you training for a specific event,
babysitting, any other exercise activities.

However, 3 times a week is a good guide. This gives you 2 spare
exercise "slots" for other aerobic activity based on the govt advice
of 5 sessions per week of at least 30 minutes.

Why not run all 5? You can, and if you enjoy doing so with no problems
then great! However, running is high impact and it will be kinder to
your body (especially your feet) to mix in some lower impact aerobic
activities like cycling, swimming or walking. It's good to mix to
prevent boredom setting in - aerobics or dance classes are great for
giving interest.

Rest days are important. This is when your body recovers and rebuilds
strength. If you've seen me struggling on a Monday, it's normally
because I was mountain biking on Sunday. Ideally after a strenuous
workout, I would have a rest day instead. I do still walk or cycle on
a rest day - but gently.

And if you run once or twice a week, that's fine too - especially if
you are not training specifically for an event. Make up your weekly
training sessions to 5 with other activities.

Not all your activities need to be intense or hard work. Taking a 30
minute walk in your lunch hour counts - and you can break it down to 2
x 15 minute or 3 x 10 minute sessions instead.


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