Saturday, 23 July 2011

How Walking can Help you Run

“Don’t run before you can walk” isn’t the most inspirational of phrases – but it’s not bad as an intro to how walking can compliment running, another chapter in my blogs on cross training.

I love hill walking – but don’t get the chance to do so very often now. I did when I was 16 - we moved from the Midlands to the North West. Yorkshire Dales, Lake District and Snowdonia – all within day trip distance and there was a great walking club at my school. Both my parents and in-laws are enthusiastic members of walking groups - Dad even led tourists on the West Highlands Way a little while ago. From our group, Anne did the South Downs Way a few years ago – and Zoe gets the chance to hit Munros on a regular basis now she’s based in Scotland (jealous!).

There’s also power walking. Claire G and Louise L both came to running from power walking and Sarah F has done the Moonwalk. More recently, Nordic Walking has been growing in popularity – using poles to ease knee stress and give an upper body workout.

But most of my walking is pretty gentle. If I have a meeting in London, it’s a 25 minute walk to the station and if location and weather allow, I prefer to walk across central London from Waterloo. A wander in the woods after work or just down the hill to get a paper – and I don’t (normally!) get sweaty enough to need a shower afterwards which adds to the convenience factor.

Endurance Crossover

Walking gives a cardio vascular workout that’s low impact. Gentle walking will improve your fitness – gently! More intensive walking can give a quicker improvement to your stamina and fitness.

Hill walking can be an all day activity – or day after day – and this will give your endurance a real boost as your legs, feet and lungs get used to the constant exertion.

Louise HW had a great suggestion that I’m employing now with beginners – try to up the amount of walking you do before starting to run. It’ll boost your fitness and put you in a great place to start running. Running 1 mile does burn more calories than walking 1 mile. Running should benefit your walking as it will make you fitter and stronger.

Muscle Crossover

There is cross over – but you will find that you don’t use the same muscles in exactly the same way for running and walking as the movement is different. However, walking will certainly strengthen your feet, legs, lower body and hips.

Technique Crossover

Good walking technique requires looking ahead, relaxed shoulders, moving your arms to assist and keeping your pelvis in a neutral position – all of which make for good running too.

Running and Walking Together

This is the basis of the beginners’ programme that we use, but don’t think that walk breaks are only for those building up to running - walking breaks are a great way of easing your body into longer distances. Jeff Gallo
way has even taken mixing walking breaks into runs up to marathon level with impressive results with
experienced, elite runners.

Walking is a great way to warm your body up ready for running and the perfect way to cool down afterwards.

Getting Started

Simply taking a walk in your lunch hour, walking to the paper shop or dragging the family to the park are all great ways to sneak more walking into your daily routine.

If you want to investigate power walking, try this guide from Joanna Hall.

I’m very proud of my Mum for leading Health Walks in her village – there’s a network all over the country, including walks in Stoke Park Woods. These attract many who are new to exercise and tend to be gentle – but are a fantastic starting point.

if you’d like to walk in a group.

For rambling and hill walking, the local groups of the Ramblers Association are a great option - and there are many other walking groups in Hampshire listed on this link.

Anyway, given that so many of you walk already, I look forward to your comments!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Running Report 18th & 19th July

We were joined by 4 runners from SRS on Monday - Pat, Jennifer, Tina and Rachael. Pat's SRS's Chief Coach and she's suggested that she (or one of the other SRS coaches) join one of our sessions once a month or so. It's great to have this contact and I hope I can steal some coaching tips from Pat! I was disappointed that rubbish weather meant we weren't able to showcase a more scenic route to our fellow SRS runners this time.

Running around the World
We are making great progress across Turkey - now at Ilgaz, mountains in Central Anatolia.

Parking on Tuesday
Continues to be a real pain! Don't forget that you can park close to the Anglers Arms at Riverside & walk along the river to the hub.

Fast Track Beginners kick in on 2nd August at 8pm - perfect if you've had a break & want 4 sessions or so to get back up to pace again!

Mon 7pm 7.22km in 46:36 598 cals
Mon 8pm 6.16km in 45:30 481 cals
Tue 7pm 6.26km in 45:13 511 cals

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Another late running report

My feeble excuses this week include a rather over full diary & a trip to Northumberland this weekend for my Dad's 70th - but I'm sure a more organised creature would have still managed to blog.

News this week is that some SRS members intend to join us on Monday - it'll be great to meet them properly. I also have had confirmation that we are able to run in the RR10 series - but must be wearing an SRS top. The person who sorts out kit is one of the bods due to come along on Monday.

Even more exciting is that I am now allowed to inform you that Lizzy won't be running with us for a few months as she is expecting her second baby! It's the only reason for quitting running (hopefully temporarily) that I get extremely happy about.

Monday 7pm 5.89km 38:46 486 calories
Monday 8pm 6.00km 45:39 446 calories
Tuesday 7pm 5.58km 45:13 391 calories

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Running Report 5th July

Eeks - late! But this does mean that I can congratulate Claire D for her PB at parkrun on Saturday - a most impressive 26:35.

Last Monday's runs - both of which took place in the woods, making the most of a dry, sunny evening. Appropriately, we're also ran virtually through a forested bit of Turkey too.

Mon 4th 7pm 6.83km in 45:52 567 calories
Mon 4th 8pm 5.33km in 40:06 439 calories

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

How Pilates can help you run

I haven’t done very much pilates – so this will be more of an internet trawl than personal experience kind of blog! Of the group’s runners, I know that Helen C is an experienced fan of pilates. It took years for me to realise that it's pronounced pie-lahhh-tees btw!

Endurance Crossover

A pilates session is not a cardio vascular workout – it’s unlikely to help you build stamina. But don’t write it off – pilates will help enormously with technique, injury prevention and muscle strength....

Muscle Crossover

Pilates helps to strengthen and stretch your back & core muscles. Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey used pilates as part of his recovery from a spinal injury . Core stability improves your body’s balance and reduces the stress on your muscles, helping to prevent injury. Pilates also helps to develop limb (including leg) muscles’ strength and flexibility.

Technique Crossover

Pilates helps you to improve your posture – and this will pay dividends in your running technique.You’ll be more aware of what your muscles are doing which will enable you to focus on where you need to improve.

Running and Pilates Together

There are no ways I can think of to mix the 2 activities into 1 event! However, mixing in pilates, yoga or weights will pay dividends in boosting your running performance. A good weekly routine might include 3 runs, a pedal or swim and a pilates or yoga class.

Getting Started

Although there are DVDs out there, it is definitely worth taking classes to ensure that you learn to do pilates properly. The movements are so precise that an eagle eyed instructor really will help you to get the maximum benefit.

I have found that getting the right group with an instructor who suits you is really important. Look for a small group size. The first pilates class I tried was too big and I found that the instructions were too vague for me to follow. As the movements are so precise, this is kind of crucial. The class I do get to occasionally isn’t big and the instructor is fabulously bossy and precise – perfect for me!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

In Case of Emergency

This is a fabulous idea being promoted by the Ambulance service at the moment. I've set up my ICE on my phone - and I strongly suggest that you all do the same.

"We all carry our mobile phones with numbers and names stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn’t know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored, but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence the ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.

The concept of ‘ICE’ is catching on quickly. It’s a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name ‘ICE’. For more than one contact name, simply enter ‘ICE1’ ‘ICE2’ ‘ICE3’ etc

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients, but he didn’t know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose.

In an emergency situation, Emergency service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialling the number you have stored as ‘ICE’.

Please forward this on. It won’t take too many ‘forwards’ before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one’s mind at rest."

Running report for 27th and 28th June

3 PBs to celebrate this week - Lisa at a 5K recently, Clare W & Joanne at today's parkrun - nice work all!

No running on Tuesday 5th July
I can't make it to Tuesday's run - apologies. But I'm very grateful to Louise HW who has very kindly agreed to cover for me for a couple of sessions that I can't make over the next couple of months - it's lovely to have the back up.
If Tuesdays are your normal slot, don't forget that you can always run on Mondays at 8pm instead - parking's much easier then too.

Beginners Programmes
These are already starting to fill up - especially Absolute Beginners. Thanks so much for referring your buddies.

Our Virtual Run Around the World
Steaming across Turkey now!

Last week's runs
Monday 7pm 6.02km in 42:38 477 cals
Monday 8pm 5.00km in 40:07 321 cals
Tuesday 7pm 5.08km in 44:01 307 cals

See you on Monday.