Wednesday, 6 July 2011

How Pilates can help you run

I haven’t done very much pilates – so this will be more of an internet trawl than personal experience kind of blog! Of the group’s runners, I know that Helen C is an experienced fan of pilates. It took years for me to realise that it's pronounced pie-lahhh-tees btw!

Endurance Crossover

A pilates session is not a cardio vascular workout – it’s unlikely to help you build stamina. But don’t write it off – pilates will help enormously with technique, injury prevention and muscle strength....

Muscle Crossover

Pilates helps to strengthen and stretch your back & core muscles. Sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey used pilates as part of his recovery from a spinal injury . Core stability improves your body’s balance and reduces the stress on your muscles, helping to prevent injury. Pilates also helps to develop limb (including leg) muscles’ strength and flexibility.

Technique Crossover

Pilates helps you to improve your posture – and this will pay dividends in your running technique.You’ll be more aware of what your muscles are doing which will enable you to focus on where you need to improve.

Running and Pilates Together

There are no ways I can think of to mix the 2 activities into 1 event! However, mixing in pilates, yoga or weights will pay dividends in boosting your running performance. A good weekly routine might include 3 runs, a pedal or swim and a pilates or yoga class.

Getting Started

Although there are DVDs out there, it is definitely worth taking classes to ensure that you learn to do pilates properly. The movements are so precise that an eagle eyed instructor really will help you to get the maximum benefit.

I have found that getting the right group with an instructor who suits you is really important. Look for a small group size. The first pilates class I tried was too big and I found that the instructions were too vague for me to follow. As the movements are so precise, this is kind of crucial. The class I do get to occasionally isn’t big and the instructor is fabulously bossy and precise – perfect for me!

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