Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Happy New Year!
I'm now away. Don't forget that there is only 1 run next week which Julie is leading from the Hub at 7pm on Tuesday.
All the best, and here's to a fabulous year of running in 2010!
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Another cancellation - sorry
Monday, 21 December 2009
Hoping for a Tuesday thaw
Festive running

Big thanks to my caterer (Phil!).
Normal runs, normal times this week.
Last weeks's runs:Mon 7pm 6.8km, 45:17 ascent 200m 560 calories
Mon 8pm 5.00km, 43:07, 286 calories
Tue 8pm 3.80km, 30:47, 240 calories
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Cheaper than Running GPS gadgets
- RunKeeper - does everything my Garmin does plus easier web sharing. I was seriously tempted to get an iphone after seeing this! 2 versions - a free one & a "pro" not free one. Both get good reviews.
- Go Pedometer is not GPS based - but this means that it will also work on an ipod touch. Not free, but not pricey!
- iMapMyRun - uses GPS and is free.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Beginners Week 10 (wow!) and Info
Don't forget the Mince Pie Run next Sunday (20th) at 3pm from my house - a gentle run suitable for all followed by mince pies and a glass or 2 of mulled wine.
Anyway, last week's runs - no calorie counts as I managed to record them as bike rides!
Mon 7pm 6.14km in 42:20
Mon 8pm 5.29km in 41:33
Tue 7pm 5.01km in 36:31
Tue 8pm 3.75km in 31:09
Beginners will be doing 30 mins straight up on Tuesday - but you can take a walking break if needed.
See you on Mon or Tue!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Week 9 beginners & the run data from last week
Mon 8pm 6.09km in 45:54, 464 calories
Tue 7pm 5.01km in 36:27, 408 calories
Tue 8pm 4.63km in 33:23, 326 calories
Beginners for next week is very straightforward:
- Warm up
- 15 mins run, 1 min walk, 15 mins run
- Cool down
- Stretching
See you Mon/Tue.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Wii fit exercises for running
- Form: improve your core muscles with Parallel Stretch (MW)
- Form: hip alignment - Lunge (MW)
- Form: core stability around hips - Bridge (Y)
- Fitness: upper body strength - Press Up & Side Stand (MW)
- Fitness: quad & glutes strength - Rowing Squat (MW)
- Fitness: strength in calves and achilles - Palm Tree (Y)
None of the plyometric exercises had a direct comparison though!
Monday, 30 November 2009
Running with ID
We have just had week 7 for the current beginners group (how did that happen? I thought I had only just started!) Gin discussed safety when out running and one of the issues raised concerned id. If you were incapacitated in some way whilst out running solo how would your relatives be contacted if, like me, you go out with a bare minimum of keys and an ipod/generic mp3player?
I remember once hearing about Cram tags an idea developed by Steve Cram you can read about the story behind them here. The idea is to have a small tag which you attach to your running shoes with details of who to contact in an emergency. Though I cannot find a source of these anymore something similar can be purchased from The original idea seems to have morphed into an id band The shop no longer seems to be open, but if the idea of a wristband appeals then all kinds of bands, or other sport id are available from the ID Band company.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Runs on 23rd and 24th Nov - and Beginners next week
Mon 8pm 5.466km in 41:44, 388 calories
Tue 7pm 5.00km in 48:08, 270 calories
Tue 8pm 3.85km in 34:02, 214 calories
Tuesday's beginner's programme:
- Warm up
- Run 10mins, Walk 1 min, Repeat 3 Times
- Cool Down
- Stretching
We've nearly completed the 10 week programme. We will continue for a couple of weeks taking distance to 5km - last one will be on Tue 29th Dec. After I come back in the New Year (I'm having 1 week off), I'll start a new Beginners Group on 12th Jan. At this point, the current beginners will be able to run at either Mon 8pm or Tue 7pm - and switch between the 2 as suits! Hope this makes sense.
Friday, 20 November 2009
This week's runs plus next week's beginners
- Mon 7pm 6.06km 39:22 498 calories
- Mon 8pm 5.13km 44:07 286 calories
- Tue 7pm 5.00km 46:40 276 calories
- Tue 8pm 4.10km 36:24 244 calories
Tueday's Beginners Session will be a total of 30mins running with 3 walk breaks:
- Warm up
- Run 7 mins, walk 1 min, repeat to 16 mins
- Run 8 mins, walk 1 min, repeat to 34 mins
- Cool Down
- Stretching
See you Mon/Tue!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Week 6 Beginners - 4 walk breaks
- Warm up
- 0 mins: Run 5 mins, first walking break
- 7 mins: Run 6 mins, 1 min walking break, repeat to 27 mins (walk break)
- 28 mins: finish with a 7 min run
See you on Tuesday.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
This week's runs - 9th & 10th November
Anyway, the runs - we used the same route for all bar the beginners this week. The advanced group did a bit more looping with speedwork.
Monday 7pm 5.54km in 36:49, 451 calories
Monday 8pm 5.32km in 44:25, 331 calories
Tuesday 7pm 5.33km in 38:32, 430 calories
Tuesday 8pm 4.39km in 37:09, 277 calories
I'm writing up a newsletter atm - let me know if you'd like to contribute.
See you next week.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Week 5 Beginners Programme
- Warm up
- 4 mins jogging, 1 min walking up to 14 mins
- 5 mins jogging, 1 min walking up to 38 mins
- Cool Down
- Stretching
See you on Tuesday.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Mince Pie Run
You are all invited to mine on Sunday 20th December at 3pm. We'll make the most of the fading light for a gentle jog in the woods followed by mince pies and mulled wine (non alcoholic alternative too for those who aren't convinced of the merits of mulled wine as a post run beverage). No charge!
Feel free to bring others.
Let me know if you can make it & I'll let you have my address.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Runs this week
Numbers for the week:
- Mon 7pm 5.85km in 38:28, 481 calories (and a big hill twice)
- Mon 8pm 4.82km in 37:45, 335 calories (in the freezing cold)
- Tue 7pm 4.95km in 37:05, 390 calories (with a guest)
- Tue 8pm 4.68km in 41:11, 307 calories (with extra bonus running bit at the end)
See you next week.
So the following is a list of ideas that have worked (apparently) for some people - hope it helps:
- Might be caused by your abdomen adjusting to the internal jostling that running creates. Strenghtening your core muscles may help - as may increasing fitness generally.
- A good warm up may help.
- Breathe out hard.
- Don't drink big volumes at once whilst running - opt for little & often. And apparently, avoiding fruit juice & soft drinks could help.
- Check that your sports bra fits & is suitably supportive!
- Could try avoiding solid food in the hour before your run.
- If you get stitch on the right side of your body, try to breathing out as your left foot hits the ground. Vice versa if the stitch is on the right side.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Week 4 Beginners Programme 3rd November
- Warm Up
- Run 3 mins, walk 1 min & repeat up to the walking break at 13 mins
- Run 4 mins, walk 1 min & repeat until we get to 36mins.
- Cooldown
- Stretches
We'll be up to a total of 29 mins running (it was 26 last week) - good going!
See you on Tuesday.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
This week's runs - 26th & 27th Oct
Monday 7pm: 5.36km 44:18 364 calories
Tuesday 7pm: 5.36km 49:48 293 calories
Tuesday 8pm: 4.16km 38:50 248 calories
We have a special guest on Tuesday - the new WRN County Organiser Kathryn will be running with us. If you'd like to meet her, come along to the 7pm Tuesday run.
See you soon!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Week 3 of the Beginners Programme
Warm up
Run 2 mins, walk 1 min for first 13 mins
Run 3 mins, walk 1 min for next 22 mins
Cool down
See you on Tuesday.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Times for this week
So it will be:
Mon 26th: Standard 8pm
Tue 27th: Standard 7pm
Tue 27th: Beginners 8pm
And a bit more housekeeping - with the number of members we now have, using only initials for people on this blog is getting a little messy - so I have been using first names instead. If you would rather I used your initials (or a nom de blog!), let me know.
Times etc from last week - again, bear in mind that my gizmo was on my wrist...
Monday 19th:
Advanced: 6.05km, 40mins 32secs 491 calories
Standard: 5km, 37mins 14secs 368 calories
Tuesday 20th:
Standard: 4.5km, 33mins 6 secs 361 calories
Beginners: 4km, 36mins 36secs 243 calories
See you on Mon/Tue - and some of you at the Great South... forecast is looking good!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Beginners Week 2
Warm up
First 10mins: 1 minute walking / 1 minutes jogging – repeated over 10 minutes
Second 20mins: 1 minute walking / 2 minutes jogging – repeated over 20 minutes
Cool Down
See you on Tuesday!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Times and Look Good naked
Anyway, times for last week. Normal caveats apply - the GPS was on my wrist so add about 100-200m per loop back if you did more than me and calorie count is based on my weight and speed.
- Monday 7pm - 6.76km in 45:17, 554 calories
- Monday 8pm - 5.33km in 45:40, 314 calories
- Tuesday 7pm - 5.02km in 45:06, 299 calories
- Tuesday 8pm - 3.30km in 29:36, 212 calories
Monday, 12 October 2009
New Beginners Programme - Week 1
Tuesday Week 1:
- Warm up
- Run 1min/Walk 1min repeated over 30 minutes
- Cool Down
- Stretching (calves, hamstrings, quads, shoulders)
- Repeat Tuesday's session once. Remember to control your pace - keep it gentle.
- If you can fit it in, one session of non running exercise (e.g. bike ride, walking, swimming) - this will bring you to 3 exercise sessions for the week.
Homework (if new to running but not to exercise):
- Repeat Tuesday's session once. Remember to control your pace - keep it gentle.
- Aim for 3 sessions of non running exercise (e.g. bike ride, aerobics class, swimming) to bring the number of exercise sessions to 5 for the week. Remember that running on the treadmill still counts as running, so if you do go to the gym, choose other exercises.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Late - sorry!
Monday 7pm - 10km in 66:44
Monday 8pm - only Claire this week and we did our first non-bridge hill. 5km in 39:41.
Back to normal on the times this week - so Tuesday 7pm is on. New beginners group is now full & starts at 8pm on Tue - looking forward to meeting the new runners!
Friday, 2 October 2009
If you are shopping in Eastleigh, don't forget that your membership gives you discount at Just Run and Up & Running.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Many congratulations!
Well done to Louise on her first 5k on Tuesday - and to Julie for a PB 5K last Tuesday.
So impressed!
Anyway, times etc for this week:
- Monday Advanced: 6.19km in 42:29
- Monday Standard: 5km in 37:39
- Tuesday Standard: 5.19km in 43:27
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Congratulations to Zoe - and last night's times
She completed the Great North Run in a creditable 2 hours 33 minutes, ran all the way and raised over £500 for the Alzheimers Society - a fantastic achievement!
Last night's times:
- Advanced: 6.09km in under 39 minutes. We did the first (hilly & partially off road) 5K in a respectable 31 minutes.
- Standard: 5km in just under 40 minutes (I had 39:44 on my watch).
Well done to all - some fantastic running!
Monday, 14 September 2009
Great North Run
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Week commencing 7th Sept times
Some news - I have 5 women signed up for the next beginners group already! Also, I've received an email from WRN Salisbury about a 10K in November:
So times and distances for the week:
Monday Advanced: 10.00km, 1:09, ave speed 8.6kph
Monday Standard: 4.52km, 40:53, ave speed 6.6kph
Tuesday Standard: 3.54km, 31:10, ave speed 6.8kph
See you on Mon/Tue!
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
This week's runs - 31st Aug & 1st Sept
Advanced Group (formerly known as standard): 6.84km in 48:38
Beginners Group: 30 mins covering 3.3km
Standard Group (formerly known as intermediate): 5km in 39:58
Times going forwards:
Mondays 7pm: Advanced (open to all who can do 5K in under 35mins)
Mondays 8pm: Standard (open to all who can run for 30mins or more)
Tuesdays 7pm: Standard(open to all who can run for 30mins or more)
We will still be meeting at the Hub and will still be looping back.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Beginners - Final week of Programme
- Warm Up
- 30mins Jogging
- Cool Down
- Stretching
Don't forget that taking a walking break is still very much OK if required!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Times & Distances 24th & 25th August
Standard Group: 47:17mins 6.8km Ascent (as per Tracklogs!) 98m
Beginners: 31:00mins 3.8km
Intermediate Group: 43:23mins 5.01km - now the Garmin reckons that it's 199m ascent, but I'm suspicious as it was less climbing than on Monday.... love gadgets.
Have a great week - see you on Monday (yup, we are running on Bank Holiday Monday!).
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Monday Week 9 Beginner's Programme
Jog 15 mins
Walking break
Jog 15 mins
Simples! See you on Monday. Gin
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Times for Monday & Tuesday's running 17th & 18th
- Standard: 7.42km, 49:18.16 mins, ascent 237m, ave 9.0kph, 610 calories
- Beginners: 3.84km, 33:59.33 mins, ascent 109m, ave 6.8kph, 219 calories
- Intermediate: 4.58km, 33:42.35 mins, ascent 138m, ave 8.2kph, 326 calories
Calories are based on my age & weight - and don't take terrain into account. So for example, N, L & J slogging around the field on grass will have used more energy than indicated by 326 cals shown here.
One circuit of the field is 1.4km.
Beginners - please remember that your main objective atm isn't shown here - which is to run for longer periods between walk breaks.
Monday, 17 August 2009
When should the intermediate run be?
Please let me know your preferences via this survey - click here!
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Beginners Week 8
10mins jog
1min walk
Repeat until we get to 33mins.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
This week's runs
Standard group: 6.24km in 39:54.37, ascent 219m and 517 calories (based on me!)
Beginners: 4.25km in 39:02.16, 228 calories
Intermediate: 5.14km in 41:13, 361 calories
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Beginners Week 7
If you are doing this alone, make sure you don't run fast at the start - take it gently. We're looking to run for longer, not worry about the pace.
See you on Monday.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Times for Monday & Tuesday's running
Standard run: 5.2km in 34:09
Beginners: 4.32km in 37:13
Intermediate: 5.39km in 43:24
Well run! It'll be hills next week for both the standard and intermediate sessions....
Telegraph Active - so many running articles!
Anyway, there's a new online section on the Telegraph website with lots of articles about running, cycling and other active stuff. I found the article on music to run to quite interesting (sometimes it's good to choose slower tracks) and there are training diaries of 5 runners preparing for the Great North Run.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Week 6 of the Beginners Programme
Warm Up - including knee mobilisation
6 mins jog, 1 min walk repeated over 35 mins
Cool Down
We will be looping back and if anyone needs additional walking breaks, that's absolutely no problem.
Homework is to try to repeat Monday's routine twice plus 1 other exercise session. This will bring you close to the exercise 5 times a week recommendation. Feel free to swap one of the runs so that it's 2 alternative exercise formats.
The handout for the week includes advice on sports bras, pregnancy, stress incontinence and periods!
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
More on drinking
Monday, 27 July 2009
Monday 27th - how far & how fast
So, results for tonight's runs - bear in mind that this only shows how far/fast I was runnning and that calories are based on my weight/age etc.
- Standard: 5.00km in 34:18. Ascent was 441m, average speed 8.7kph, 392 calories
- Beginners: 4.43km in 37:40. Ascent was 100m, average speed was 7.1kph, 287 calories
I really enjoyed tonight's runs - well done to you all!
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Beginners Programme Week 5
4 mins running/ 1 min walk up to 11 mins then 5 mins run/ 1 min walk up to 34 minutes.
This is actually the same amount of running as last week (29 mins) but with fewer walking breaks. You're more than welcome to take more breaks if necessary.
Monday, 20 July 2009
An alternative is the Hursley 10k and 5K - both on Sunday 27th September. As well as being closer and cheaper to enter, this does have the benefit of flexibility in sponsorship - we can choose our own charity (or charities). Any views???
I'm happy to add Just Giving links to this blog btw in order to help boost your fundraising for these or any other races.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Beginners programme week 4
Run 3 mins, walking break - up until the walking break at 13 mins
Run 4 mins, walking break - up until we get to 36 mins
This will take our total running time up to 29 minutes (it was 26 last week). Don't forget that you can take more walking breaks if you need to.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
New Intermediate Sessions
- Mondays 7pm Standard Training Session
- Mondays 8pm Beginners Programme (Week 4 of 10 weeks on Monday)
- Tuesdays 7pm Intermediate Training Session
Standard Training Sessions on Mondays will suit those who are happy running a 5K in 35 minutes or less. We'll run 5-8km and sessions will include speed and strength work.
Intermediate Training Sessions on Tuesdays will suit those who can run for 30mins without taking a break. Although "Intermediate", they are also likely to appeal to experienced runners who prefer a gentler pace and to beginners who are finding that their progress is more rapid than they originally anticipated. Primary objective is to provide a bridge between the Beginners Programme and Standard sessions.
I'm happy to review which session is when once the Beginners complete their programme in 7 weeks time - let me have your feedback!
I'm positive that the Intermediate sessions will help to give more choice to members and will enable me to help you to achieve your individual running objectives.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
New South East Area Organiser
Some things that are in the pipeline:
1. Brian’s been initiating discussions that may lead to more local groups. Fareham is looking like a possibility which would be great for some members as an alternative/addition to Eastleigh WRN (your membership would cover both groups). If it does happen, I’ll be asking nicely if the new group has an evening that’s not Monday for its runs!
2. Improvements to the WRN website. Brian seemed to keen to have a look at our blog.
3. Training for new organisers has been reviewed. It’s now a one day course plus a first aid course. If anybody would like to do the training, please let me know as the group will fund you to do so.
4. I did raise the thorny issue of membership renewal dates as I know that it can be galling for those who join after March to enjoy fewer months of membership but at the same price level…
We all ran really well last night – hope nobody’s aching too much today.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Beginners programme week 3
Warm Up
0-2 mins Run
2-3 mins Walk
Repeat until we get to 13 mins
13-16 mins Run
16-17 mins Walk
Repeat until we get to 35 mins
Cool Down
Stretching - all we've done so far plus a new strap muscle stretch
Homework will be to repeat Monday's session at least once, ideally twice.
See you on Monday!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
A bit more about….. water
Before you run
Try to ensure that you drink water during the 2 hours before you run – sipping water whilst at your desk is a good option.
Don’t gulp down vast quantities just before running – this can make your run more uncomfortable!
Carrying water whilst you run
For runs of less than 45mins- 1 hour, you won’t normally need to carry water with you whilst you run. I do only because it’s part of what a coach is expected to carry!
However, many people like to have water to hand – it can help to give a boost when you are feeling overheated or tired.
There are neat oval ring shaped water bottles that are designed to be held easily. There are also waist packs designed to hold water bottles and hydration packs (waist or rucksack types) with a plastic water store.
Practise & see what suits you.
For races of over 5K, there's often a water station. Drinking from a plastic cup whilst running is an acquired skill - and not one that I've mastered. Use it as an opportunity for a minute's walking break to ensure that you take on the water.
After running
Drink something soon afterwards - this is really important for rehydration and can help to prevent post run headaches and muscle cramps. Again, try to sip as opposed to gulping. It's an idea to keep a bottle in your car for after our Monday eveing runs. Insulated aluminium bottles will help to keep it at a pleasant temperature.
What to drink
Tap water is the simplest, cheapest and greenest option!
Sports drinks have been designed to aid performance and recovery, but are usually not calorie free and can be expensive. To make your own, dilute 1 part squash with 9 parts water and add a very small amount of salt. If you do want to try off-the-shelf sports drinks, look into the powdered versions that you make up with water as these can work out cheaper.
Tea and coffee have been much maligned for years but recently, opinion seems to be turning back in their favour! Caffeine is a diuretic, but the amount of water that it’s diluted with in tea and coffee is now considered to more than compensate – so yes, both can be hydrating. Caffeine before you run has been shown to boost performance and tea contains lovely antioxidants.
Finally, clean your water bottle afterwards - especially if you are filling it with anything other than water.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Beginners Programme - Monday 6th July
- Warm up: brisk walking
- First 10 mins:1 minute walking / 1 minutes jogging – repeated over 10 minutes
- Second 20 mins: 1 minute walking / 2 minutes jogging – repeated over 20 minutes
- Cool down: brisk walking, letting your legs ease back to normal.
- Stretching: calf, hamstring, quads, shoulders
- Repeat Monday’s training session at least once this week. If 2 minutes of running is too tough, take it down to week 1’s schedule.
- Can you still talk whilst you are running? If not, slow down!
- If you have any major aches or pains, don’t run – just stick to walking or rest & we’ll discuss on Monday.
- Again, try and fit in at least 1 session of other activity this week too.
See you on Monday!
Monday, 29 June 2009
New times, new beginners
L & I both managed to trip over tonight & I have a little scab on my knee to show for it. Hoping L's knee isn't too painful - it was looking worse than mine - I don't think that any of the intermediates/standard group will be surprised that L scooped herself up & started running again straight away! We won't be running on the river path next week - it's a bit too crowded on a sunny evening, the nettles are high enough to catch our arms and I'm not keen on cow herding. We did see a deer though.
Instead, we'll head into the woods. I am working on tailoring the 7pm sessions for a mixed ability group, so please don't worry about being too speedy/too slow.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Back in the UK!

7pm at the Hub - all levels.
Don't forget that the times change as of Monday 29th June:
7pm - standard group - includes intermediates
8pm - new beginners group - which is now over subscribed if all show up!
I did manage to run on holiday - only once though. There were some great routes in Vancouver & I really enjoyed a jog along the coast & through Stanley Park - fab views, not too hilly, and a great thing to do following waking up at 6am due to a completely messed up body clock! Running seems to be much more popular with women than with men there (who seem to favour in line skating).
Friday, 5 June 2009
Congrats to D
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Update on June Sessions
Monday 1st June: 6:30pm - standard running session
Monday 1st June: 7:35pm - intermediate running session
Thursday 4th June 7:00pm - all levels running session from the Hub (usual start point - please note the time!)
Monday 8th June: No running session although an informal get-together-and-run may be happening
Monday 15th June: No running session although an informal get-together-and-run may be happening
Monday 22nd June: No running session although an informal get-together-and-run may be happening
Thursday 25th June: 7:00pm - all levels running session from the Hub (usual start point - please note the time)
Monday 29th June: 7:00pm - standard running session (for the current intermediates as well as current standard group)
Monday 29th June: 8:00pm - new beginners 10 week programme
I hope this makes sense. I'd like to persuade one of you to do the organiser training so that future holidays will not disrupt the group!
The 2 Thursday runs will be a bit different - some speedwork, making use of the playing field.....
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Summer Running
- Don't expect to run at the same pace when it's hot. Ease off & ensure that you warm up properly. This is especially relevant if you are running when on holiday somewhere hot.
- Hydration becomes more important. Try to keep on sipping water during the 2 hour window before running, but don't gulp down pints just before! You might want to try running with water - there are neat oval ring shaped water bottles that are designed for this. There are also waist packs designed to hold water bottles and hydration packs (waist or rucksack types) with a plastic water store. Practise & see what suits you. Drinking after your run is also important - but again, don't gulp large volumes quickly.
- Review when you run. Early morning or late evening may be cooler options than midday.
- Kit - look for fabrics that are wickable (aka breathable, aka dri fit). These take moisture away from your body, helping you to keep cool and avoid clammy sweaty fabric sticking to your skin. These tend to be better than cotton which gets heavy when wet. Wickable fabrics also tend to be made with flatter seams so they chafe less.
- Sun safety - remember to wear sunscreen. A hat (e.g. baseball cap) can help too.
- Sunglasses - not essential, but a nice-to-have. If you get hayfever, you may find that wrap around shades help to protect your eyes from becoming irritated.
Monday, 25 May 2009
I'm cheesed off that I can't make it (will still be in Canada) as it sounds like a good day!
Monday, 27 April 2009
Update on the Hub & May Day Bank Holiday
Running will take place as usual next week (Bank Holiday Monday) at the usual times. I'll be at the Bishopstoke Community Association Fete on BH Monday afternoon, drumming up some interest in the group - so please come & say "Hi" if you are in the area.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Music & Running
I love running to music - it helps me to keep my pace up and it really helps with my motivation when I'm alone. This Runners World article gives a great overview of the benefits many get. However, I find that a good natter does more to prevent boredom - and that running with others helps me to push my pace.
Why not?
The same Runners World article also gives some of the reasons not to run with music. Safety is a consideration - ensure that the volume is low enough that you can still hear traffic and what's going on around you. Many races discourage music as it may mean that runners don't hear what race stewards are telling them - and there are some that feel that it reduces runners engagement with the event.
What hardware?
I'm very fond of my ipod shuffle - as it's solid state, it doesn't have a crisis when it's bounced around and it clips nicely onto my t-shirt. The ipod nano can be linked to the Nike + system in trainers for many training options.
What music?
Very much a matter of taste! I like Christina Aguilera - but only when running - and noisy rock (Foo Fighters are a fave). I have had to eject tracks from my running playlist where the speed changes - Fatboy Slim's Rockafella Skank for example! Some other suggestions in this Guardian article.
Friday, 10 April 2009
Beginners Programme - the second!

Sunday, 29 March 2009
A bit more about... what we've learned
Well, that’s it for the Beginners Programme –and WELL DONE!!!! As of next week, you’ll be the intermediate group. My new objective will be to bring you all up to 5K of running – not too much more than what you are all currently capable of. I will still aim to write up something each week on the blog and for those of you who like a hard copy, I’ll bring some along.
A bit more ..... about what we’ve learned over the last few weeks
1. We can all run!
2. The best structure to a training session is:
a. Warm Up
b. Train
c. Cool Down
d. Stretch
3. Our voices are our in-built heart rate monitors – if we can chat, we’re within aerobic activity rates and our bodies are not being overloaded.
4. Interval training builds speed. That’s exactly what we have been doing with run/walking. We’ll be doing more of this for the next stages.
5. The right pace is the one that you are comfortable with – never worry about being slower or faster than the others as looping back means we can still run together.
6. Don’t aim for too much too soon. Gradual, little by little is a better approach and runs less risk of injury.
7. Kit – the essentials are trainers, sports bra & something reflective at night (OK, most of us would probably add a few more items of clothing to this list!).
8. Gin is incapable of checking time when chatting – obviously lacking in female multi tasking abilities!
9. Food – having something to eat about 2-1 hour before we run (small snack rather than 4 course meal!) & something when we get home is good practise.
10. Cross training is great. Mixing up activities builds overall fitness. Horse riding, walking, cycling and netball seem to be the favourites.
11. Rest days are important – it’s when your body recovers that it strengthens.
12. Think about your posture. Don’t stare at the floor, keep upright & try not to clench your hands – or your toes!
13. And it’s worth mentioning again, we can all run! Many congratulations – you’ve worked really hard.
Week 11 Beginners Programme
· Warm up
· Run 30mins
· Cool down
· Stretching
Sunday, 22 March 2009
A bit more about... races
All of you are now capable of doing a 5K race!
Race for Life is a great first race – beginner friendly & inclusive - we could all aim to do Southampton this year? It’s on Sunday 12th July at 11am:
What you need to do:
1. Enter
Some races fill up quicker than others.
2. Train
Be clear with yourself what your goal is. For any first time distance, a good aim is to get around, not worrying about speed. Your training should reflect your goal.
Reflect the race’s time of day in your training – if it’s a summer morning start, include some summer morning runs in training.
Build up a race plan – what time do you want to pass 1k/2k/3K/4K/5K in? Most races have signs up at each kilometre mark – which is great for checking your pace.
If you will be running the race with a friend, agree between you what the plan will be.
Don’t run at all in the days before the race. If it’s on a Sunday, do your final training run on Tuesday or Wednesday for a 5K.
3. Race Day!
On the night before, lay out your normal kit. Now is not the time to try out new stuff! Ensure you have the following ready:
· Race Number (complete the back with emergency contact info)
· Safety Pins for affixing race number
· Tissues –in case you need the loo when you get to the start
· A watch so you can stick to your race plan
· Supporters are fabulous! Plus they can hold spare kit for you (e.g. warm top)
· Read the race pack to check on start time & place
Organisers like to get you to the start an hour before – but this can feel like an age. Look at parking provision, assume heavy traffic & base your decision on that. If you do need to park some distance away, it’s not a bad thing – good warm up/cool down opportunity.
At the start line, hanging back is good - you will be overtaken less and your pace will be less influenced by others.
Check the time as you go over the start line and then STICK TO YOUR PLAN! Treat the race as a training session – warm up before the start, check your breathing, take a walking break if needed and don’t forget to stretch afterwards.
If you’ve stuck to your plan, you may have the energy for a crowd pleasing sprint at the end!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
"We are at an exciting time in the WRN as we are about to embark on a partnership with England Athletics with the launch of Run in England. In order for us to expand and facilitate the setup of Run in England we are seeking to employ 2 Area Development Officers, one for the North and one for the South and East of the country. The Area Development Officers will be responsible for overall leadership and management of the Run in England programme along with promotion and expansion of the WRN in the Region. More information can be obtained from our website by logging onto The closing date for applications is Monday23rd March at 12pm. Please could you inform your group members of the positions. There will also be County Activator roles available which will be phased in over the next 6 months. We will inform you as and when these posts become available."
Monday, 16 March 2009
Change to Week 10's Beginners Programme
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Beginners Programme – Week 9
· Warm up
· Run 9 mins, Walk 1 min
· Run 10 mins, Walk 1 min - repeat to 31 minsCool down
· Stretching
I also want to emphasise (again!) that taking more walk breaks than I'm showing here is completely acceptable.
A bit more about... shoes
The right kind of shoes can increase comfort levels – making your run more pleasant. They can also help to prevent injury.
There are 3 types of running gait:
· Normal: your heel rolls a little when it hits the ground. Look for “stability” shoes.
· Overpronating: your heel rolls excessively when it hits the ground. Look for “motion control” shoes that can help to control this.
· Supinated/Underpronating: your heel doesn’t roll enough when it hits the ground. Look for “cushioned” or “neutral” shoes with lots of flexibility to encourage your heels to roll more.
Specialist running store staff will be able to check your gait for you on a treadmill in store, looking at your worn trainers or by simply watching you run a little! Try to visit at a quiet trading time so you get plenty of attention.
Wet Footprint Test
This article on the Runners World website explains how you can work out what kind of running gait you have – from looking at wet footprints – but I still recommend going to a specialist store.
Women-specific trainers are designed for narrower feet – as we tend to have narrower feet than men.
Break you new shoes in gently. It will be a couple of runs before they reach maximum comfort. Replace your shoes after approx 100miles of running.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Week 8 Beginners Programme
Just 3 walk breaks tonight – but I’m confident we’ll all be OK! You can take more walk breaks if necessary.
- Warm up
- Run 7 mins, Walk 1 min
- Run 8 mins, Walk 1 min - repeat to 34 mins
- Cool down
- Stretching
A bit more about... things we may not always feel comfortable talking about!
A supportive sports bra is a must-have piece of kit! Too much movement may result in more problems than discomfort and pain – it has been linked to neck and back problems.
Replace regularly – worn sports bras may chafe as well as lack support. Try on the bra before purchasing to ensure that it fits well, minimising bounce. Cupped bras (encapsulating) have been shown to be much more supportive than compression bras.
Stress Incontinence
Many people find that a small amount of urine escapes when they are running – if this happens to you, you’re not alone! It’s not exclusive to women who’ve had children. If you do experience this problem, try to ensure that you go to the loo just before running. Wearing black running shorts or running tights may help your confidence as may wearing a pantyliner. However, it’s worth talking to your GP – especially if it’s a frequent problem – as they will be able to suggest some exercises and remedies to help.
Apparently, it’s the week before your period when you may notice that your running performance dips the most. You may find that running actually alleviates period pain as endorphins are released.
If you already run, you may be able to continue running through the first trimester – and possibly into the second. Talk to your GP and midwife.
After giving birth, talk to your GP and midwife about when it will be OK to start running again.
Eastleigh Group Survey - Times
However, I'd like to consolidate the 2 groups into one at some point because I'd like to get another Beginners Group underway - probably in July.
Can you complete the linked survey (click here to get to it)? This way, I can ensure that I reflect your views and requirements on timing?
Friday, 27 February 2009
5 Mile Women Only Event in Salisbury
Thursday, 26 February 2009
A bit more about... safety
This is an area that we tend to think about more than male runners! And it’s one of the reasons why WRN exists – we tend to feel safer when running with others. Some tips:
Avoid running alone if possible
It’s not always possible, but you’ll find that you feel safer when running with a friend. I often go out with my husband with him on a bike for the same reason.
If running alone, phone a friend
Try to make sure that somebody at home knows roughly where you are going and when you expect to get back. If there’s nobody in, try setting up a system with a friend – phone or text when you are heading off with your route and finish time, then call/text them when you’re done.
Don’t stick to the same predictable route. It will keep your run more interesting as well as making it safer.
Keep the volume down – or off
Many advise running without headphones so that you can hear what’s going on around you from a safety perspective. If, like me, you feel that this isn’t an option (I can’t run alone without music!), keep the volume low enough that you can hear your surroundings.
Look out for hazards
Kerbstones and traffic are probably your biggest risks! Pay attention to your surroundings. Wear reflective gear at night and keep an eye on surfaces for obstacles.
Verbal Harassment
This is irritating, can be upsetting, but don’t let the idiots win. Thankfully, it’s rare! I find that carrying on running in a purposeful way, keeping my eyes ahead and wearing sunglasses or a baseball cap help me to block this out.
Carry a mobile with you
It’s also good to carry a piece of paper with your name and an emergency phone number.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Beginners Programme Week 7
Week 7 Schedule:
Run 6 mins
Walk 1 min - repeat to 14 mins
Run 7 mins
Walk 1 min - repeat to 37 mins
I also want to emphasise that taking more walk breaks than I'm showing here is completely acceptable. Also, we will be looping back to ensure we stay together-ish.
See you on Monday!
Monday, 23 February 2009
Eastleigh 10K - Extra Training Session
First is this Wednesday (25th). Meet at Fleming Park Leisure Centre in the lobby at 6:30pm.
The plan is to cover the full route - but you can take walking breaks if required!
Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Passfield Avenue,Eastleigh,Hampshire,SO50 9NL
I've had it OK-ed by the Centre that we can change there, use lockers & loos if required. Just walk straight to the changing rooms. Just ensure that you are in the lobby for 6:30pm ready to run!
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Beginners Programme – Week 6
We are definitely going to be employing the loop back system this week:
If you are ahead of those at the back by a fair bit:
· Turn around
· Run to the back
· Carry on running for about 100m
· Turn around
Monday’s Training Session
· Warm up
· 1 minute walking / 5 minutes jogging – repeated over 30 minutes with an additional 6 minute jog at the end
· Cool down
· Stretching
· Repeat Monday’s training session at least once this week – ideally twice. If 5 minutes of running is too tough, ease up to more walk breaks. If you have any major aches or pains, don’t run – just stick to walking or rest & we’ll discuss on Monday.
· Again, try and fit in at least 1 session of other aerobic activity this week too.
A bit more about... training
Try to stick to an aerobic steady pace. You’ll know if you at this pace as you’ll be able to talk – a little breathily perhaps. If I’m running alone, I have been known to say out loud “normal conversation” to check I’m not going too fast.
Walking breaks are very acceptable! There’s evidence that even experienced runners can achieve faster overall times if they take walking breaks.
If you are aiming for a particular distance, one technique is to do the full distance from the outset – but start by run/walking. Build up to running more – aim to run 10% more each week. This works well for 5K and 10K.
Speed work can help. For a single run, focus on either distance or speed – not everything at once! Try alternating running as fast as you can (at a pace where you can’t talk) for 2 minutes with running at a gentle jog – and repeat over 10 minutes. Over time, you’ll find that this technique (“Interval Training”) improves your steady pace speed.
Cross Training works! Don’t restrict yourself to running. Mixing in other activities can boost your fitness and variety will help to keep you interested.
Cycling compliments running well – similar muscle groups but it is lower impact. Swimming and walking also provide low impact exercise. Yoga and pilates can help with posture, flexibility and strength.
Some resources: – great for planning and measuring your runs. – lots of advice on running.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Monday Week 5 - Beginner's Programme
· 1 minute walking / 4 minutes jogging – repeated over 30 minutes with an additional 5 minute jog at the end
· Cool down
· Stretching
A bit more about... injuries
Avoiding injury in the first place
There’s a great piece of advice from Runners World magazine – “don’t let a niggle become an injury”. Ensure that you warm up, cool down and stretch properly every time you run. Also check your speed – you should be able to talk (breathily perhaps!). Risk assess your route – look out for obstacles and slippery sections – tripping over kerbs is quite common. And take care crossing roads.
If your feet or legs are hurting, it could be worth going to a specialist running shop to get some advice – which might result in new trainers. If pavements in your area have strong cambers, avoid a loop where you are always on the same slope – try crossing over. Concrete pavements are harder than asphalt so less foot-friendly.
Don’t train every day – rest days allow your body to recover. This is also when your muscles actually improve!
This summarises what to do with a minor injury. Major injuries – for example if you cannot bear weight on an injured leg – require a trip to casualty. Follow RICE for several days. If a minor injury doesn’t improve, go to your GP.
* REST Rest up! When you do start running again, take it really slowly and carefully initially.
* ICE Get a packet of frozen peas & place the whole (unopened) bag onto the injured area and leave for up to 15 minutes. You might want to wrap the bag in a tea towel. Return the peas to the freezer (label them as “not for eating”!). You can repeat this hourly.
* COMPRESSION Pressure can help – tubigrips are a handy way to apply pressure to the injured area.
* ELEVATION Raise the injured area – for example, prop up an injured ankle on the sofa.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Well done!
Monday, 2 February 2009
Too snowy to run tonight!
Next week will now be week 4 for the beginners.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Beginner's Week 4
Monday’s Training Session
Slightly different to planned – I think we need to get used to 3 minute intervals – we are now running 75% of the 30 minutes – a real achievement!
- Warm up
- 1 minute walking / 3 minutes jogging – repeated over 30 minutes
- Cool down
- Stretching
- Repeat Monday’s training session at least once this week – ideally twice. If 3 minutes of running is too tough, take it down to 2 minutes for the second half of your workout.
If you have any major aches or pains, don’t run – just stick to walking or rest & we’ll discuss on Monday. - Again, try and fit in at least 1 session of other activity this week too. If you do this on the same day as running, try to take it easy. I notice, for example, that I run slower if I cycle earlier on.
Week 4 - a bit more about.... Food & Drink
A bit more about... food & drink
Please bear in mind that nutrition is a complex subject. The following is an amalgamation of advice from a variety of sources – including Runners World Magazine and “Running Well” by Sam Murphy & Sarah Connors – but should not replace any advice you’ve had from your GP or a qualified dietitian with regards to your diet.
Running doesn’t tend to fit very well with extreme weight loss diets.
Your body will find it difficult to run on an empty tank! Given that many of us run in order to lose weight, this is an important issue to consider. If you are on a very low calorie or low carbohydrate diet, you may find any physical exercise results in fatigue, susceptibility to illness and injury and poor performance.
Pre Run
Try to eat something 45 minutes before running – ideally carbohydrate based, but aim for a snack rather than a big meal. Cereal bars, toast, porridge or nuts are all good options. It is important to find out what works for you though – for example, my mother-in-law finds that if she eats anything 2 hours before running, she feels nauseous!
Post Run
Refuelling with a snack after running can help your body to recover. Ideally, this should be a mix of carbs and protein (e.g. nuts, soft cheese on crackers) – but again, experiment.
How much liquid you use up whilst running will vary from person to person – and will be affected by temperature, intensity of exercise – lots of factors!
Try to drink during the day before you run – don’t down a litre of water just before running.
For the length of time we are out for, you shouldn’t need to drink whilst running – although feel free to do so if you find it helps.
Make sure you rehydrate after running. Water is fine for this – you shouldn’t need an isotonic sports drink.